Effective Date: April 15, 2010

Revisions for Financial Operations, Human Resources, Registrar, and Undergraduate Admissions are effective January 1, 2020. Police Department revisions are effective Sept. 1, 2022.

Record Type Description Retention Period and Disposition Repository
Academic actions Dismissal, exception reports, etc. Permanent Registrar
Academic Honesty Code Violations Case file with findings of violation Permanent Campus Life and University Relations; Director of Student Conduct and Community Standards
Academic records Broad record type that includes narrative evaluations, competency assessments, and other records submitted to Registrar's Office. Permanent Registrar
Academic Search Records   Three years from date of appointment. Academic Affairs
Accident Reports Contains original reports of traffic accidents made by officers showing date, time and place of accident, types and makes of vehicles involved, names, addresses, and license numbers of drivers, and extent of injuries and property damage. 5 Calendar Years, then destroy; Destroy Police Department
Accounts Payable Records Documents related to payment for goods and services: purchasing and payment forms, including purchase orders, interdepartmental vouchers, interfund vouchers (IFV), payment vouchers (agency payment vouchers (APV) and business procurement card (BPC) vouchers), travel reimbursement documents, and all supplemental documentation, including invoices and vendor certification forms, such as Form W-9, W-8BEN, and W-8BEN-E. Refer to KSU Policies 3433 and 6115 for guidance concerning protected information. Retain 5 fiscal years then destroy, provided all audit requirements have been resolved. Exceptions for grant funded payables documentation are explained in the university's Policies and Procedures Manual, Chapter 7050.120, "Post Award Procedures, Records Retention." The Division of Financial Services is the office of record. Destroy; Also see: Portions may be restricted per KSA 45-221(a)(32), (33). Police Department
Accounts Payable Records Documents related to payment for goods and services: vouchers, correspondence, invoices, ledger books and cards, etc. Retain three fiscal years and then destroy. Paper voucher copies are retained for one fiscal year then destroyed while the electronic version is kept indefinitely. The electronic version can be destroyed after three fiscal years. Financial Operations
Accounts Receivable Records Documents related to the collection of payments due the agency: copies of invoices, correspondence, DA forms 32, etc. Retain three fiscal years and then destroy. Financial Operations
Activity Report Records Internal documents used to compile statistics on agency activities: traffic reports, activity logs, etc. Retain two fiscal years and then destroy. Department of Origin
Admission applications Admission applications submitted by students to Undergraduate Admissions Data from applications exist in Banner (SIS) indefinitely and written applications are imaged and stored electronically in Image Now (imaging system) indefinitely. Paper records are kept for three months before quality assurance testing is done and then shredded by an outside agency. Undergraduate Admissions (paper records); Banner and Image Now (electronic records)
Advanced placement records, applications for admission or readmission, correspondence that is relevant, entrance exam reports (ACT, CEEB, et.al.) residency classification forms, letters of recommendation, transcripts 鈥 high school and other college   Five years from graduation date or date of last attendance. Registrar; Admissions Office (domestic or international UG, GR)
Advanced placement records, applications for admission or readmission, correspondence that is relevant, entrance exam reports (ACT, CEEB, et.al.) residency classification forms, letters of recommendation, transcripts 鈥 high school and other college   Two years from date of start or application term. Registrar; Admissions Office (domestic or international UG, GR)
Advertising contracts Agencies; newspapers; media   University Relations
Agency Director鈥檚 Files Correspondence, reports, budgets, etc. relating to the administration and operation of the agency. Retain until no longer useful, and then transfer to the archives for purging. Finance and Administration
Annual and Special Reports General and specific reports on agency activities.   University Relations; Department of Origin
Annual and Special reports General and specific reports on agency activities Retain until no longer useful then destroy; Also see: Historical Society KAR 53-2-120 Police Department
Applicant Tracking System (PeopleAdmin) Third party vendor that is a repository for electronic position descriptions, applications and job postings for positions. Used primarily for benefit eligible positions. No purging process in place. See also Employee Position Description and Perceptive Content (WebNow). Human Resources; PeopleAdmin
Application for degree Online web app system tables Permanent Registrar
Application supporting documents (e.g., application fee records such as receipts, ACT/SAT score documentation, Permanent Resident cards, application fee waiver requests, documents to facilitate exceptions consideration and more). Items submitted by students to Undergraduate Admissions to support their application file Items are stored electronically in Image Now indefinitely. Data from items are stored in Banner indefinitely. Paper records are kept for three months before quality assurance testing is done and then shredded by an outside agency. Undergraduate Admissions (paper records); Banner and Image Now (electronic records)
Applications for Examination Standardized form developed by the Department of Administration-Division of Personnel to determine if an applicant to take an application is qualified to take an examination for a specific classified position. Retain three calendar years and then destroy. Human Resources
Architectural Plans, Drawings, Maps, and Specifications Records documenting the physical plant of the agency. Retain until no longer useful, then transfer to the archives. Facilities Services
Arrest Records (Arrest files or folders) includes criminal history files, fingerprint records, Mug shots and fingerprint record) Records of arrest that list name, alias, address, date, time of arrest, date of birth, age, place of birth, physical description, place of arrest, charge, disposition at time of arrest, warrant number, judge's name, accomplices and arresting officer. Also includes trial, transportation and commitment information. Retain Misdemeanors 5 calendar years, then destroy.
Felonies 20 calendar years, then destroy.
Front page of the standard offense report is open. See Attorney General's Opinion 87-25. Destroy; Also see: KSA 45-221(a)(1)(10)(30) & KSA 75-3520
Police Department
Arrest Warrant Jackets File or envelope containing the arrest warrant and notes on its being served or attempts to serve, showing date received, date served, by whom served, and how served. 1 calendar year, then destroy; Destroy Police Department
Attorney General Opinions Opinions, letters of advice, copies of legislative bills, correspondence, etc. relating to the legal interpretations written at the request of an agency seeking guidance in enforcing, obeying, or interpreting the law. Retain in office five calendar years, and then transfer to the archives for purging. General Counsel
Audio and Video Recordings Audio and video recordings created using mobile recording devices. This series may include, but is not limited to: dashboard cameras, body-worn cameras, dog cameras, and unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) cameras. Retain non-evidential recordings 90 days, then destroy. Retain evidential recordings with the associated case file; Destroy; Also see: KSA 45-221(a)(10) Police Department
Audit Reports Results of internal audit reports Retain minimum five fiscal years or as needed thereafter, then destroy. Internal Audit
Automated Program Listing / Source Code Automated program code which generates the machine-language instructions used to operate an automated information system. Retain three system update cycles after code is superseded or replaced. Destroy. Information Technology Services
Banking Records Bank statements, deposit books and slips, check registers, bank analysis statements. Retain three fiscal years and then destroy. Financial Operations
Batch Transmittal Forms Completed forms used to transmit documents for mass computer input 鈥 includes both DA forms 199 and/or equivalent internal documents. Retain in conjunction with transmitted documents, then destroy. Information Technology Services
Bid Records Documents related to request for proposals, bids, quotations, or estimates. Retain five fiscal years and then destroy. They are retained in hard copy. Purchasing
Board Packets Agenda, minutes, background information, etc. relating to meetings or a board or commission. Retain until no longer useful, then transfer one packet to the archives and destroy the remainder. President's Office
Budget Preparation Files, Annual Documents used in the preparation of the annual agency budget: correspondence, draft budget requests, computer records, notes, and other miscellaneous materials. Retain five fiscal years. Contact the archives for appraisals 鈥 if not accepted for transfer to the archives, then destroy. Finance and Administration
Budget Requests and Appeals, Annual Copies of budgets submitted yearly to the state legislature for approval and subsequent appeals: DA forms 400 through 518 and associated supporting documents. Retain five fiscal years and then deposit in archives. Finance and Administration
Building and Grounds Maintenance Records Documents associated with repairs and other maintenance to the physical plant of agency 鈥 does not include Work Orders and Logs (q.v.). Retain records of minor maintenance activities for three fiscal years, then destroy. Retain records of major maintenance activities for ten fiscal years, then contact the archives for appraisal 鈥 if not accepted for transfer to the archives, then destroy. Facilities Services
Business Procure Card Documentation Original receipts, logs, etc., detailing the types of purchases made by an agency through business procurement card procedure. Five Fiscal years then destroy; Destroy; Also see: Historical Society KAR 53-2-123 Police Department
Business Procure Card Documentation Original receipts, logs, etc., detailing the types of purchases made by an agency through business procurement card procedure. Five fiscal years then destroy. Financial Operations
Business Procurement Card Account Files This contains a hard copy of the initial P-Card application that was submitted to open the account along with any other correspondence regarding changes to the account status and memos to and/or from the account holder or budget officer regarding use of the account. Retain for the entire time that the P-Card program is live. Purchasing
Business Procurement Card Account Files This contains a hard copy of the initial P-Card application that was submitted to open the account along with any other correspondence regarding changes to the account status and memos to and/or from the account holder or budget officer regarding use of the account. Retain for the entire time that the P-Card program is live.
Also see: Repository - Purchasing
Police Department
Capital Improvement Projects Files Records related to construction projects: correspondence, bids, specifications, plans, drawings, reports, notes, etc. Retain until no longer useful, then transfer to the archives. Facilities Services
Case Files (Crime lab files, investigative case files, offense reports, and miscellaneous reports) Files containing offense reports, statements, fingerprints from the scenes of crimes, evidence submission/custody sheets, photographs, video footage (which may include footage from dashboard cameras, body-worn cameras, dog cameras, and unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) cameras), telephone notes, memos, etc. Includes Crime Lab Files and Investigative Files. Retain after statute of limitations expires, plus 20 calendar years for felonies or plus 5 calendar years for misdemeanors, then destroy.
Retain murder cases for 80 calendar years, then destroy. Retain unsolved murder cases permanently. Retain after statute of limitations expires, plus 20 calendar years for felonies or plus 5 calendar years for misdemeanors, then destroy.
Retain murder cases for 80 calendar years, then destroy. Retain unsolved murder cases permanently. Also see: Portions may be restricted per KSA 45-221(a)(3)(4)(10)(20)(30)
Police Department
Catalogs   Permanent Registrar
Change of Course Forms   Permanent Registrar
Change of grade forms   Permanent Registrar; Information Technology Services
Change to Student ID Number Notation in Banner forms. Permanent Registrar; Information Technology Services
Class lists Current records reside in Banner tables only. Permanent Registrar
Clippings Files Newspaper clippings compiled regarding agency activities. Retain until no longer useful then contact the archives for appraisal 鈥 if not accepted, then destroy. Library Special Collections
Commencement Programs   Permanent University Conferences
Committee and Conference Files Records relating to the establishment, organization, membership, policies, activities and accomplishments of internal, interagency, and advisory committees and conferences. Three calendar years, then transfer to archives. Committee
Complaints Shows name and address of complainant, date and time reported, narrative summary of complaint and investigation and investigating officer. 3 calendar years, then destroy; Destroy; Also see: Portions may be restricted depending upon contents of file Police Department
Computer Run Scheduling Records Records used to schedule computer runs including daily schedules, run reports, run requests, and other records documenting the successful completion of a run. Retain until no longer of administrative value to the agency then destroy Information Technology Services
Computer Software Licensing Files Documents proving the licensure and implementation of computer software programs by the agency. Retain five calendar years after the contract or end user license agreement (EULA) has expired, or five years after the software is no longer installed, then destroy Information Technology Services
Computer System Documentation Records related to the development, implementation, modification, and use of computer programs and systems. Retain and dispose of in conjunction with associated computer programs and systems. Information Technology Services
Computer Usage Logs Logs documenting computer system usage including but not limited to log-in files, system usage files, data entry logs, and records of individual computer program usage. Retain until no longer of administrative use to agency then destroy. Information Technology Services
Consent to Release Personally Identifiable Information Forms kept on file, marked canceled if student revokes the authorization. Permanent beginning fall 2008. Registrar
Contracts Legal agreements with individuals and organizations. Includes all association documents, e.g. DA-146 series. Retain until expiration of contract plus five calendar years, then destroy. Destroy; Also see: Historical Society KAR 53-2-075 Police Department
Contracts Legal agreements with individuals and organizations. Includes all association documents, e.g. DA-146 series. Retain until expiration of contract plus five calendar years, then destroy. Department of Origin
Correspondence 鈥 Policy related Incoming and outgoing letters and memoranda that state or form the basis for policy, set precedent, or record important events in the operational and organizational history of the agency. Retain in office five calendar years, then transfer to the archives for purging. General Counsel
Correspondence 鈥 Routine Incoming and outgoing letters and memoranda which pertain only to routine matters handled in accordance with existing policy and procedures: requests for information, letters of transmittal, etc. Retain until no longer useful, then destroy. Department of Origin
Correspondence--Routine Incoming and outgoing letters and memoranda which pertain only to routine matters handled in accordance with existing policy and procedures: requests for information, letters of transmittal, etc. Retain until no longer useful, then destroy. Destroy; Also see: Department of Origin Police Department
Course Offerings   Permanent Registrar
Crime Log Records included in this series describe the crime, time, date, and case number assigned to the report. Permanent; Also see: Portions may be restricted under KSA 45-221(a)(10) Police Department
Criminal Background Checks Electronic link to Validity Screening Solutions (Third Party Vendor) sent to candidate/employee through checklist in On-Boarding process. Candidate provides required information and forwards to Validity. Background check required prior to the extension of an offer for employment, or as part of an offer of employment that is made contingent upon a successful criminal background check. Results of either 'Clear', 'Not Clear' or 'Flagged' recorded in Banner PWABCK by HR. Electronic copy of background check Is archived in Validity Screening Solutions database and accessible to HR. No purging process in place. Human Resources; Validity Screening Solutions
Curriculum Change Authorizations   Five years from graduation or date of last attendance. Registrar
Curriculum Change Forms Changes to courses and degree requirements approved by faculty in the academic governance process. Permanent Registrar
Customer Survey Forms Surveys compiled on customer satisfaction with the quality of service provided Three calendar years then destroy. Department of Origin
Daily Reports Shows division, shift, officers on and off duty, automobiles driven, area patrolled and duties performed by each officer. 3 fiscal years then destroy; Destroy Police Department
Data Documentation / Data Dictionary Records Records generally created during system development or modification and necessary to access, retrieve, manipulate and interpret data in an automated system including data element dictionary, file layout, code book or table, and records that explain the meaning, purpose, structure, logical relationships, and origin of the data elements Retain three years after discontinuance of system and until all system data is destroyed or transferred to the new operating environment. Information Technology Services
Data Systems Specifications Records necessary for using the system: user guides, system or subsystem definitions, system flowcharts, program descriptions and documentation, job control or workflow records, system specifications, and input and output specifications. Retain three years after discontinuance of system and until all system data is destroyed or transferred to new operating system then destroy Information Technology Services
Data Warehouse (Legacy) This was the electronic system of record prior to Banner June 2006. Data accessible through 九色堂 Portal. Under 'Quick Links' select Data Warehouse and then Warehouse Extractor. Human Resources; Information Technology Services
DD Form 214, Certificate of Release or Discharge from Active Duty Document of the US Department of Defense issued upon a military service member's retirement, separation, or discharge from active-duty military. After original document is scanned into Webnow, it is destroyed. No purging process in place. Prior to 10/2011, hard copies retained in Employment File length of employee's tenure, plus seven years. Employment Files retained in HR for two years after termination. Stored in Hutchinson Salt Mines for the remaining five years. Remediation by Salt Mines upon notification. See also Employment File and Perceptive Content (Webnow). Human Resources; Perceptive Content
Degree audit Scanned approved degree audits for those graduating fall 2009 forward. Permanent Registrar
Degree, grade, enrollment, and racial/ethnic statistics   Permanent Registrar
Department Employee File Copies of documents in Department Employee Files associated with employment of specific personnel (applications, evaluations, etc.) maintained for convenience of reference. Any documents maintained by the department including performance, coaching and corrective action notes. Department maintains for length of employee's tenure. Send to HR upon separation. HR to combine as appropriate with Employment File. Retain Employment File for seven years, the first two years in HR. Stored in Hutchinson Salt Mines for remaining five years. Remediation by Salt Mines upon notification. Destroy after 7 years from separation; Also see: Department of Origin Police Department
Department Employee File Copies of documents in Department Employee Files associated with employment of specific personnel (applications, evaluations, etc.) maintained for convenience of reference. Any documents maintained by the department including performance, coaching and corrective action notes. Department maintains for length of employee's tenure. Send to HR upon separation. HR to combine as appropriate with Employment File. Retain Employment File for seven years, the first two years in HR. Stored in Hutchinson Salt Mines for remaining five years. Remediation by Salt Mines upon notification. Department of Origin
Diplomas/Diploma Lists Electronic document used in printing of diplomas since 2008 Permanent Registrar
Disciplinary records Findings of violation and related case files Permanent where penalty imposed is probation, suspension or expulsion (dismissal); otherwise five years from finding. Campus Life and University Relations; Director of Student Conduct and Community Standards
Electronic Onboarding Documents (People Admin) Electronic on-boarding documents associated with the employment of personnel. Forms consist of any document required by federal or state regulations or 九色堂 policy. Retain electronic Employment File for length of employee's tenure, plus seven years. No purging process in place. Human Resources; PeopleAdmin
Electronic Personnel Action Forms (ePAF's) Multiple ePAF's relating to employees jobs records and employment status. View access available to departmental personnel for their orgs. HR and Financial Operations personnel have view access to all. Designated personnel can view for six months through Self-Service Banner after which ePAF's can be found and printed if needed in 九色堂 Reporting Services under HR - EPAF Reports in file titled EPAF00100 - ePAF Detail Report by Org. No purging process in place. Human Resources
Electronic Repository for Miscellaneous Employment Documents - Perceptive Content (Webnow) Effective 10/2011, Perceptive Content (third party vendor) recognized as the electronic repository for all hard copies of OHR Forms, DD Form 214's and Position Descriptions which are still active. Documents were also scanned into the system for the following categories but have been retired: Medical Leave 2011 - 2016, Shared Leave 2011 - 2016, Unemployment Claims 2011- 2014, Searches 2011 - 2017, Direct Deposits, Evaluations, Student Exceptions 2011. After original document is scanned into Webnow, it is destroyed. No purging process in place. Prior to 10/2011, hard copies of OHR forms retained in Employment File. Length of employee's tenure, plus seven years. Employment Files retained in HR for two years after termination. Stored in Hutchinson Salt Mines for the remaining five years. Remediation by Salt Mines upon notification. For position descriptions see also Applicant Tracking System (PeopleAdmin) and Employee Position Description. For unemployment claims see also Unemployment Claims Records. For Shared Leave see also Shared Leave Program Form. For medical record see also Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA). Human Resources; Perceptive Content
Employee Notary Files Notary certification documents compiled on employees. Proof of certification is part of the Employee Personnel File. These files are the office copy. Retain information until superseded or three calendar years, and then destroy. 3 calendar years then destroy; Also see: Department of Origin Police Department
Employee Notary Files Notary certification documents compiled on employees. Proof of certification is part of the Employee Personnel File. These files are the office copy. Retain information until superseded or three calendar years, and then destroy. Department of Origin
Employee Personnel Files 鈥 Office Copies Copies of documents in agency's Employee Personnel Files associated with employment of specific personnel (applications, evaluations, etc.) maintained for convenience of reference. Retain for length of employee's tenure plus five calendar years, then destroy. Department of Origin
Employee Personnel Files--Office Copies Copies of documents in agency's Employee Personnel Files associated with employment of specific personnel (applications, evaluations, etc.) maintained for convenience of reference. Retain for length of employee's tenure plus five calendar years, then destroy. After separation plus 5 years then destroy; Also see: Historical Society KAR 53-2-209 Police Department
Employee Personnel Files Documents associated with the employment of specific personnel: employee evaluation forms, applications for employment, INS Residence Status forms, and other personnel materials. Retain original file or abstracted work history for length of employee's tenure, plus ten years, then transfer files to archives. Deposit in archives. Human Resources 鈥 Classified, and Unclassified; Division 鈥 Unclassified; Academic Affairs 鈥 Faculty
Employee Position Description Most benefit eligible employees position descriptions are currently retained in our Applicant Tracking System (PeopleAdmin) If provided, PD鈥檚 and supporting documents are retained in Employment File. Retain Employment File length of employee鈥檚 tenure, plus seven years. Files retained in HR for two years after termination. Stored in Hutchinson Salt Mines for the remaining five years. Remediation by Salt Mines upon notification. See also Applicant Tracking System (PeopleAdmin) and Perceptive Content (Webnow). Human Resources
Employee Position Descriptions Formal descriptions of duties and other characteristics of particular employment positions: DA forms 281-2 and supporting documents. Retain until superseded plus three years, then destroy. Human Resources
Employee Time Report Records Recording documenting time worked by individual employees on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis: time sheets, time cards, attendance reports, absence reports, sign-in/out sheets, etc. Retain five fiscal years and then destroy. (Revised 5/21/2004 per 九色堂 General Counsel.) Department of Origin
Employee Time Report Records Recording documenting time worked by individual employees on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis: time sheets, time cards, attendance reports, absence reports, sign-in/out sheets, etc. Retain five fiscal years and then destroy. Also see: Historical Society KAR 53-2-096 Police Department
Employee Training Course Materials HR training materials such as Service Standards Training, New Leader Orientation, Diversity in Action Program, etc. used for employee training programs. Retain active and inactive training program copies in electronic file on HR Office Shared (S:) Drive titled Training Materials. Human Resources; myTraining
Employee Training Records Reports and transcripts relating HR training programs. Transcript record of courses completed through the myTraining learning management system (effective 6/16) is retained for review by system administrator or by an active employee until end of employment. No purging process in place. See also Employee Training Course Materials. Human Resources; myTraining
Employee Withholding Allowance Certificates Internal Revenue Service W-4 forms completed by employees to establish rate of tax to be withheld from paychecks. Retain until no longer in effect, then destroy provided four years have passed since date tax was due or paid (whichever is later.) Financial Operations Payroll Department
Employee Withholding Allowance Certificates Internal Revenue Service W-4 forms completed by employees to establish rate of tax to be withheld from paychecks. Retain until no longer in effect, then destroy provided four years have passed since date tax was due or paid (whichever is later.) Human Resources
Employee Withholding Allowance Certificates State of Kansas K-4 forms completed by employees to establish rate of tax to be withheld from paychecks. Retain until no longer in effect, then destroy provided four years have passed since date tax was due or paid (whichever is later.) Financial Operations Payroll Department
Employment Applications 鈥 Not Hired DA forms 203 and supplementary materials submitted by unsuccessful applicants for employment. Retain three calendar years and then destroy. Human Resources / Academic Affairs 鈥 faculty; Unclassified - Division
Employment Eligibility Verification Form Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) form I-9 completed by the employee verifying eligibility to work in the United States. Retain for length of employee tenure plus three years, and then destroy. Human Resources
Employment File Hard copy documents associated with the employment of personnel. Forms consist of any document required by federal or state regulations or 九色堂 policy. Retain Employment File for length of employee's tenure, plus seven years. Files retained in HR for two years after termination. Stored in Hutchinson Salt Mines for remaining five years. Remediation by Salt Mines upon notification. Human Resources; Hutchinson Salt Mines
End of Term Processing output documents List of students and the changes made to their record at End of Term due to Banner jobs run for incomplete grading, repeat courses and academic standing Five years from end of term. Registrar
Enrollment Verifications   One year Registrar
Equal Employment Opportunity Grievance Files Documents related to discrimination charges concerning employment made against an agency and subsequent investigations. Retain five years after grievance is settled, then transfer to the archives. Institutional Equity and Compliance
Equal Employment Opportunity Plans Documents related to agency compliance with laws regulations concerning EEO/AA plans including the agency characteristics plan. Retain five calendar years and then deposit in archives. Institutional Equity and Compliance
Equipment Maintenance and Ownership Records Documents related to the legal ownership and maintenance of agency equipment: legal titles, warranties, maintenance logs, etc. Retain for the life of the equipment, then transfer to the new owner of the equipment or destroy as appropriate. Department of Origin
Equipment Maintenance and Ownership Records Documents related to the legal ownership and maintenance of agency equipment: legal titles, warranties, maintenance logs, etc. Retain for the life of the equipment, then transfer to the new owner of the equipment or destroy as appropriate.
Also see: Historical Society KAR 53-2-075
Police Department
Equipment Operation Records Documents related to the use of agency equipment (i.e. photocopy logs, check-out forms, use requests forms, etc.), including photocopiers, typewriters, computers, calculators, adding machines, etc. Retain three fiscal years and then destroy. Finance and Administration
Evidence Records Records pertaining to the collection and storage of evidence collected at crime scenes and during police investigations. County and City Attorney assigns retention length and authorizes destruction on a case by case basis. 九色堂 Police Department is the office of record. Destroy; Also see: KSA 45-221(a)(1)(10)(30)(47) & KSA 75-3520 Police Department
Expendable Items Supply Requests, Internal Documents used by subordinate organizations to order expendable supplies form central supply rooms. Retain three fiscal years and then destroy. Finance and Administration
Expungement Records Records series includes purged arrest information sealed from all disclosure. Permanent; Also see: KSA 21-6614 et seq. Police Department
Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) Hard copy of Family or Medical Leave Request Form, DOL FMLA Notice/Certification/Designaton Notice, Employer FMLA Communication, Doctor's Statement/Work Status/Work Release. Documents are retained in Employee Medical File in HR. Retained for three years from event, then destroyed. Combined with Employment File upon separation for remainder of retention period. Files retained in HR for two years after termination. Stored in Hutchinson Salt Mines for the remaining five years (if applicable). Remediation by Salt Mines upon notification. See also Perceptive Content (Webnow). Human Resources; Hutchinson Salt Mines
Fee Books Record of all fees collected, showing amount, from whom collected for what purpose collected and date of collection. 3 fiscal year then destroy; Destroy Police Department
Financial Aid Records Applicants who do not enroll or applicants who do not receive Title IV Aid. Three years from the end of the award year in which the student applied. Financial Aid
Financial Aid Records Applicants who enroll and receive Title IV Aid. Five years from graduation date or withdrawal date. If the student returns within five years of departure, then the record retention period will begin anew. Financial Aid
Fringe Benefit Fringe Benefit (State and ICAA) Retain four calendar years and then destroy. Financial Operations Payroll Department
Glacier Glacier - International Employee Information Retain four calendar years and then destroy. Financial Operations Payroll Department
Governor鈥檚 Proclamations Copies of proclamations issued by the Governor鈥檚 Office related to various agency activities and functions Five calendar years then destroy. President鈥檚 Office
Grad Health Details of health payments to United Health Care Retain four calendar years and then destroy. Financial Operations Payroll Department
Grade Sheets Pre-Banner grade lists are retained in an imaged folder. Permanent Registrar
Graduation Lists   Permanent Registrar
Grant Files (Funded) Variety of documents dealing with applications for federal, state, and private grants and the implementation of those received. Retain five years after the end of the grant period, transfer original applications and annual and final performance reports to the archives for purging, and destroy remaining documents. 5 years after end of grant, then destroy; Also see: Historical Society KAR 53-3-1 Police Department
Grant Files (Funded) Variety of documents dealing with applications for federal, state, and private grants and the implementation of those received. Retain five years after the end of the grant period, transfer original applications and annual and final performance reports to the archives for purging, and destroy remaining documents. Department of Origin; Office of Research Administration
Grievances   No Cause findings: three years from determination. Cause findings, Permanent. Academic Affairs; General Counsel
Group Health Insurance (Electronic) Electronic benefit plan election and change request records. Records and documentation retained by the plan adminstrators of the State Employee Health Plan through KDHE. See also Group Health Insurance Member Administration Portal; KDHE
Group Health Insurance Benefit Plan Election forms. Pre 2014 retained in Employment File. Retain length of employee's tenure, plus seven years. Files retained in HR for two years after termination. Stored in Hutchinson Salt Mines for the remaining five years. Remediation by Salt Mines upon notification. Effective January 1, 2014. See also Group Health Insurance (Electronic). Human Resources; Hutchinson Salt Mines
Hardware and Software Documentation Records documenting the use, operation, and maintenance of an agency鈥檚 computer equipment including operating manuals, hardware/software operating system requirements, hardware/software configurations, and equipment control systems. Retain until the agency no longer uses related hardware or software and all data is transferred to and made useable in the new hardware/software environment. Information Technology Services
Hearing and Meeting Transcripts and Electronic Media Recordings Records of agency hearings and other meetings: Transcripts, audiotapes, videotapes, notes, etc. Retain until no longer useful, then contact the archives for appraisal 鈥 if not accepted for transfer to the archives, then destroy. Department of Origin
Hearing and Meeting Transcripts and Electronic Media Recordings Records of agency hearings and other meetings: Transcripts, audiotapes, videotapes, notes, etc. Retain until no longer useful, then contact the archives for appraisal--if not accepted for transfer to the archives, then destroy. No longer useful then destroy; Also see: Historical Society KAR 53-2-206 Police Department
High School and Previous College Transcripts Transcripts submitted by students to Undergraduate Admissions Transcripts are stored electronically in Image Now indefinitely. Data from transcripts is stored in Banner indefinitely. Paper records are kept for three months before quality assurance testing is done and then shredded by an outside agency. Undergraduate Admissions (paper records); Banner and Image Now (electronic records).
HLC Degree Exception Forms (Faculty Credentials) Documents that lecturers meet Higher Learning Commissions (HCL) qualifications for teaching and listed as instructor of record. Skill and level recorded in Banner PPASKIL by HR. Original form retained by Academic Affairs. No purging process in place. Human Resources; Academic Affairs
Hold or Encumbrance Authorizations   Permanent beginning fall 2006. Registrar
ICAA Payroll Details of ICAA payroll processing Retain four calendar years and then destroy. Financial Operations Payroll Department
ICAA Payroll Details of ICAA tax payments, W2's Retain four calendar years and then destroy. Financial Operations Payroll Department
Imprest Fund Documents related to the administration and accounting of the imprest fund which allows an agency to use a local bank account as authorized by statute: DA form 152 鈥 'Checkbook Record 鈥 Imprest Fund.' Retain three fiscal years and then destroy. Financial Operations
In-car Video Media Logs A record of the installation, use and removal of in-car video media. It may include specific footage identification and designation; times, dates, and details of footage use (e.g. traffic stops); and notes on the footage's disposition. Retain for as long as the corresponding footage is retained. See In-car Video Footage. See also Equipment Maintenance and Ownership Records, Equipment Operation Records, Vehicle Maintenance and Ownership Records, Vehicle Operation Records. Destroy. Also see: KSA 45-221(a)(10). See Atty Gen's Opinion 87-25. Police Department
Incident Reports Contains the name of the parties involved and detailed information on the occurrence. 3 calendar years, then destroy; Destroy Police Department
Income Tax Monitoring Files Work papers, logs, reconciliations and payment logs possibly through accounting software and payment vouchers to ensure proper accounting and compliance of income tax reported to federal and state governments. Retain four calendar years after the tax date was due or paid then destroy. Finance and Administration
Indexes to Cases/Arrest Records Index cards, ledgers, or databases that reference location of a particular case file or arrest record. Retain until case index refers that it is eligible for destruction; Destroy Police Department
Information Resources Management and Data Processing Agency IT plans, data processing services plans, strategic plans, and related records used to plan for information systems development, technology acquisitions, data processing services provision or related areas. Retain until superseded, obsolete, or replaced. Then transfer to Archives. Information Technology Services
Information Technology Disaster Preparedness and Recovery Plans Records related to the protection and reestablishment of information technology services, equipment and data (back-up files). Retain until superseded by revised plan, then transfer to the archives. Information Technology Services
Inter-Agency Work Orders Forms used to request and record the performance of services from another state agency. One fiscal year then destroy. 1 fiscal year then destroy; Also see: Historical Society KAR 53-2-123 Police Department
Inter-Agency Work Orders Forms used to request and record the performance of services from another state agency. One fiscal year then destroy. Department of Origin
Internal memos - Routine Internal memos, e-mail and other correspondence which pertain to routine matters. Retain until no longer useful, then destroy; Also see: Historical Society KAR 53-2-126 Police Department
Internal Memos 鈥 Policy Related Internal memos, e-mail and other correspondence that state or form the basis for policy, set precedent, or records important events in the operational and organizational history of the agency Retain in office five calendar years, and then transfer to the archives for purging. Print out all electronic versions as issued and transfer to the archives for purging. President鈥檚 Office or General Counsel
Internal memos 鈥 Routine Internal memos, e-mail and other correspondence which pertain to routine matters. Retain until no longer useful, then destroy Department of Origin
International Student Forms Visa documentation, etc. Five years Registrar; International Education
Inventory Records, Expendable Property Records of receipts, disbursements, and balances of office supplies and other expendable inventory materials. Retain for three fiscal years and then destroy. Financial Operations
Inventory Records, Non-Expendable Property Records related to capital equipment inventory management: DA forms 80 through 83, computer reports from the Department of Administration, internal documents, correspondence, etc. Retain until superseded by new inventory plus three fiscal years, then destroy. Financial Operations
Job Analysis Questionnaire (JAQ) Position description analysis form created for CBIZ study in March 2015. The JAQ was written by the incumbent employee. In some circumstances this is the most recent version of a position description that exists. Saved in PDF file on the Office Share (S) drive in Human Resources. They are indexed by last name. No purging process in place. Human Resources
Juvenile Arrest Records Contains a record of juveniles arrested by the sheriff's office including offender, offense, date of arrest, and narrative summary of case details. Retain until age of majority is reached, then destroy; Destroy; Also see: K.S.A. 38-1608(a) & 22-4707 Police Department
Kansas Public Disclosure Commission Statements of Substantial Interest Agency copies of statements of substantial interest requested on a yearly basis and filed with the Secretary of State's office. Retain one calendar year and then destroy. President's Office
Key Accountability Files Records relating to the issuance of keys, identification cards, building passes or similar instruments of access to agency facilities or equipment and maintained for accountability purposes. Retain three years after superseded, date of termination or date of expiration, and then destroy. 3 years after date of separation then destroy; Also see: Historical Society KAR 53-2-133 Police Department
Key Accountability Files Records relating to the issuance of keys, identification cards, building passes or similar instruments of access to agency facilities or equipment and maintained for accountability purposes. Retain three years after superseded, date of termination or date of expiration, and then destroy. Department of Origin
KORA Open records request Permanent General Counsel
Law Enforcement Social Media Records Series includes social media posts created/shared by the 九色堂 Police Department on all of their platforms. Permanent; Permanent Police Department
Leases, Real Property and Capital Equipment Documents related to the leasing of real estate and equipment. Retain until superseded or inactive plus five calendar years, then destroy. General Counsel
Leave Requests Internal forms used to request and authorize the taking of leave by employees. Retain five fiscal years and then destroy. 5 fiscal year and then destroy; Also see: Historical Society KS 53-2-209 Police Department
Leave Requests Internal forms used to request and authorize the taking of leave by employees. Retain five fiscal years and then destroy. Department of Origin
Ledgers, General General records maintained by agencies of financial reports and expenditures normally used to monitor, manage, and verify agency budget. Retain three fiscal years and then transfer to archives. Finance and Administration
Legislation Reference Files Copies of bills, drafts of legislation, copies of statutes, notes, correspondence, and other miscellaneous documents related to various legislative activities. Retain until no longer useful, then contact the archives for appraisal 鈥 if not accepted for transfer to the archives, then destroy. President鈥檚 Office; Governmental Relations; General Counsel; Provost
Letters of recommendation   Until date of admission. Registrar
Life Insurance Beneficiary Forms - KBOR Beneficiary forms for basic/opitonal group life insurance for KBOR participants. Does not designate retirement account beneficiaries Retain original in Employment File. Retain length of employee's tenure, plus seven years. Files retained in HR for two years after termination. No electronic record is maintained. Multiple copies may be present if employee submits updated beneficiary designation forms. Human Resources; Hutchinson Salt Mines
Litigation Case Files Correspondence, court documents, research materials, reports, press releases, etc. Documenting agency litigation activities. Retain precedent-setting litigation records no scheduled by agency specific schedule five years after case is closed then transfer to the archives for purging. Retain other litigation records five years after case is closed, then destroy. General Counsel
Long Term Disability Employees Employment Files of employees that qualify for Long Term Disability. Retain length of employee's tenure, plus seven years after qualifying event. Files retained in HR for two years after termination. Stored in Hutchinson Salt Mines for the remaining five years. Remediation by Salt Mines upon notification. Human Resources; Hutchinson Salt Mines
Mailing Lists Lists of names and addresses to whom mail is regularly sent. Retain until updated, then destroy. Retain until updated then destroy; Also see: Historical Society KAR 53-2-208 Police Department
Mailing Lists Lists of names and addresses to whom mail is regularly sent. Retain until updated, then destroy. Department of Origin
Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) Documents relating to the precautions taken for the safe handling of the various hazardous chemicals used in the routine operation of the facility. Retain until superseded or hazardous chemical is no longer on site, then destroy as required by 29 CFR 1910.1200 Environmental Health and Safety
Memoranda of Understanding or Agreement, Inter-Agency Formal agreements reached between state, local, and/or federal agencies. Retain until agreement becomes inactive plus five calendar years, then contact the archives for appraisal 鈥 if not accepted for transfer to the archives, then destroy. General Counsel
Minutes Proceedings of regular or special meetings of committees, commissions, and other standing or ad hoc organizations. Retain until no longer useful, then transfer to the archives. Committee
Moving Expense Details of Moving Expense reimbursement Retain four calendar years and then destroy. Financial Operations Payroll Department
Name Changes   Permanent Registrar
OHR Microfilm Film bearing photographic records of OHR forms for employees as early as 1956. Some of the forms include but not limited to: DA-220 (Report of Appointment), DA-202 (Termination from Agency), Employment Authorization, Loyalty Oath, Pension Record Cards, etc. Effective 11/8/2012 microfilm records scanned into Perceptive Content (Webnow) and then destroyed. No purging process in place. Human Resources; Perceptive Content
Operating Procedure Records Records related to the operating procedure of the 九色堂 Police Department. Records include, but are not limited to: general orders, operating procedural documents, and special orders received from the police chief. Retain until superseded or obsolete; Destroy Police Department
Operating System and Hardware Conversion Plans Records relating to the replacement of equipment or computer operating systems. Retain one year after successful conversion, and then destroy. Information Technology Services
Optional Group Life Insurance (OGLI) Optional group Life Insurance Enrollment and Change Forms Retain original in Employment File. Retain length of employee's tenure, plus seven years. Files retained in HR for two years after termination. No electronic record is maintained. Form faxed to the OGLI vendor for processing of enrollment and their records. Multiple forms may be on file due to changes over time. Human Resources; Vendors
Organizational Charts and Reorganization Studies Records documenting planned and actual changes in an agency鈥檚 organizational structure over time. Retain three calendar years and then archive. President鈥檚 Office
Outstanding Debt Copies of debt due to the University by students, vendors, or other organizations. Retain until paid in full plus one year. Financial Operations
Parking/Traffic Tickets Officer's Copies Lists date, violation, description of vehicle, fine or fee, and citing officer. Retain until no longer useful, then destroy; Destroy Police Department
Payroll Adjustment Records Copies of documents and supporting materials used to make adjustments in agency payroll accounts: forms AR-9, AR-10, DA-10, DA10A, DA-21 series, DA-171 through 177, DA-251 through 262. Retain three fiscal years and then destroy. Financial Operations Payroll Department
Payroll Deduction Authorization Records, General. Documents used to authorize various deductions from an employee's pay: United Way, Heskett Center, Foundation Gifts, Child Development Center (CDC), tickets for Athletics, SASO, Advanced Dentistry. Retain four calendar years and then destroy. Financial Operations Payroll Department
Payroll Direct Deposit Authorization Records Completed forms used to authorize direct deposits of payroll checks in employee bank accounts. Retain until no longer in effect plus two years, then destroy. Financial Operations Payroll Department
Payroll Funding Redistribution Records Copies of documents and supporting materials used to make funding changes in agency payroll are help in payroll. Retain four calendar years and then destroy. Financial Operations Payroll Department
Payroll Warrant Registers Monthly listing of warrant checks issued to state agency employees for payroll purposes. Retain three fiscal years and then destroy. Financial Operations Payroll Department
Performance Evaluations-Classified/USS Classified/USS were originally done on paper. Copies of evaluations are retained in the Employment files. In 3/2016 USS evaluations were competed in the electronic system myTraining(Cornerstone). No purging process in place. See also Performance Evaluations - Unclassified Professional Human Resources; my Training
Performance Evaluations-Unclassified Professional UP Evaluations were often not completed prior to 2012. A standard UP evaluation paper form was created in 2012. In 3/2016 UP evaluations were completed in the electronic system myTraining (Cornerstone). No purging process in place. See also Performance Evaluations - Classified/USS Human Resources; my Training
Perkins Promissory Notes Master Promissory Note for Perkins borrowers Retain until paid in full four years. Financial Operations
Personnel files, appointment letters and forms   Six years after appointment. Academic Affairs
Petty Cash Records Documents related to petty cash accounting: DA-71 through 73. Retain three fiscal years and then destroy. Financial Operations
Photocopy Meter Reading Statements Forms completed listing the number of copies made, dates readings were taken, etc. relating to the leases on photocopy machines. One fiscal year then destroy. Department of Origin; Library Special Collections
Photographic and Video Materials Photo-prints, negatives, slides, films, and videotapes. Retain until no longer useful, then contact the archives for appraisal 鈥 if not accepted for transfer to the archives, then destroy. Department of Origin; Library Special Collections
Photos & Photo releases   Permanent University Relations
Policy and Procedures Manuals and Statements Original copies of formal explanations of agency policies and procedures issued in collective manual or individual statement formats. Retain until superseded or no longer in effect, then transfer to the archives. General Counsel
Postal Records Records concerning the use of the U.S. Postal Service and express companies: Mailing logs, postage purchase reports, registered mail receipts, express company receipts, mailing permits, etc. Retain for three fiscal years and then destroy. Post Office
Press Releases Public information issued to the news media. Retain until no longer useful, then transfer to archives. University Relations
Prior Authorization Report Spreadsheet for the annual fiscal year Prior Authorizations for Off-Contract and Sole Source approved purchases. This report is sorted chronologically by month, and sorted alphabetically by vendor, and sorted by fund type, and sorted by Justification Code. Retain five fiscal years and then destroy. Purchasing
Procedures Manuals Original copies of agency procedures issued in a collective manual. Retain until superseded or no longer in effect, then transfer one copy to the archives, destroy the remainder. Library Special Collections
Professional Organizations files Documents relating to membership/participation in professional organizations. Two calendar years then destroy. Organization
Programs and Invitations Documents related to official agency functions. Retain until no longer useful, then transfer to the archives. University Relations; President鈥檚 Office; Department of Origin
Property Disposition Records, Non-Expendable Copies of DA forms 83 and supporting documents used to remove capital equipment from the agency inventory. Retain three fiscal years and then destroy. Financial Operations
Publications Internally produced newsletters, pamphlets, leaflets, and brochures distributed to inform a constituency about the activities of the agency. Retain in office one year, then transfer two copies to the archives and destroy the remainder. University Relations
Purchase orders A hard copy of each purchase order is kept in the office of Purchasing of the file that has been sent to the vendor. An electronic copy of the purchase order only is available electronically in Banner indefinitely. This does not contain the additional attachments, such as a quote, a sole source, or other emails pertaining to the purchase that is available with the hard copy. Retain five fiscal years and then destroy. Purchasing
Receipts Records, Cash Records of cash received by the agency: receipt slips, receipt books, receipts ledgers, etc. Retain three fiscal years and then destroy. 3 fiscal years and then destroy; Also see: Historical Society KAR 53-2-104 Police Department
Receipts Records, Cash Records of cash received by the agency: receipt slips, receipt books, receipts ledgers, etc. Retain three fiscal years and then destroy. Financial Operations; Department of Origin
Reconciliation Records Documents used to reconcile federal, state, institutional Banner fund/orgs/accounts Retain three fiscal years and then destroy. Financial Operations
Records Management Records Documents related to the management of agency records including completed survey forms, inventories, and other miscellaneous materials such as correspondence or reference materials. Retain survey forms and inventories until superseded, then contact the archives for appraisal of other documents 鈥 if not accepted for transfer to the archives, then destroy. Department of Origin; Library Special Collections
Records Management Records Documents related to the management of agency records including completed survey forms, inventories, and other miscellaneous materials such as correspondence or reference materials. Retain survey forms and inventories until superseded, then contact the archives for appraisal of other documents--if not accepted for transfer to the archives, then destroy.
Also see: Historical Society KAR 53-2-206
Police Department
Recruitment Files Variety of documents relating to the recruitment process for hiring employees to fill vacant positions. Three calendar years then destroy. Human Resources/classified; Division/unclassified; Academic Affairs/faculty
Recruitment materials Brochures and relevant promotional items used to recruit future students. Until no longer distributed to prospective students; thereafter items will be transferred to University Archives for review and disposition. Undergraduate Admissions
Recruitment records Data submitted via inquiry processes by prospective students, schools, and other sources to Undergraduate Admissions Data from recruitment contacts/records are stored electronically in Recruit CRM indefinitely. Any paper records are kept for one year and then shredded by an outside agency. Undergraduate Admissions (paper records); Recruit CRM (electronic records)
Reorganization Studies Records documenting actual and proposed agency organizational structure. Retain in office three calendar years, and then transfer to the archives for purging. President鈥檚 Office; Academic Affairs
Request for Access to Records Documents related to requests for access to state agency records and agency responses prepared pursuant to KSA 45-218. Retain until no longer useful, then destroy. General Counsel; Human Resources
Requests for disclosure received from legal entities   Permanent Registrar
Residency change documents Non-resident to resident Permanent Registrar
Retirement Plans All hard copies of enrollment paperwork completed by employees, beneficiary forms (KPERS), mandatory and voluntary plan enrollment forms (TIAA CREF and Voya Financial). Copies of employees KPERS Retirement applications. Documents are retained in Employment File for length of employee's tenure. Upon separation from employment forms are kept separate from all other employee records. Multiple copies may be present if employee submits updated beneficiary designation forms. Electronic copy uploaded to KPERS portal for KPERS' records. Retention Period is Infinity and Beyond. Archived in Hutchinson Salt Mines. Human Resources; KPERS; Hutchinson Salt Mines
Retirement Details of Mandatory and Voluntary retirement payments Retain four calendar years and then destroy. Financial Operations Payroll Department
Revenue Bond files Correspondence, resolution, agenda, drafts, final transcript, etc. relating to the sale of bonds for capital improvement projects. Retain supporting documentation and transcript until bond is paid in full, then destroy. Financial Operations
Ride-Along Records - Approved and Denied Records included in this series are all approved and denied ride-along program applications 3 years plus current; Destroy; Also see: KSA 45-221(a)(1)(10) & KSA 75-3520 Police Department
Safekeeping Prepaid Visa Cards Physical cards and documents/supporting materials used to manage cards Retain documents three fiscal years and then destroy. Retain cards until expired and then destroy Financial Operations
Schedule change records   One year from end of term involved. Registrar
Schedule of Classes Institutional Permanent Registrar
Schedules, Office Activities Internal forms and calendars used to schedule employee or office activities (calendars and appointment books, etc.) Retain until no longer useful, then destroy. Also see: Historical Society KAR 53-2-206 Police Department
Schedules, Office Activities Internal forms and calendars used to schedule employee or office activities (calendars and appointment books, etc.) Retain until no longer useful, then destroy. Department of Origin
Scrapbooks and Albums Collection of miscellaneous documents regarding agency activities. See comments. Department of Origin; Library Special Collections; University Relations
Search Files Physical file containing documents related to the recruitment process for hiring employees to fill vacant positions posted in ATS, including the Form 1/A and Form 2/B as well as the interview notes from the search team. File may be scanned and saved electronically by the department/search chair, or stored electronically+ in the ImageNow software. Three years Search chair/hiring department - physical files or stored to the 九色堂 network; ImageNow
Security Records Security logs, sign-in sheets, security activity reports, incident reports, etc. relating to security provided for agency buildings and grounds. Five calendar years then destroy. Department of Origin
Security Records Security logs, sign-in sheets, security activity reports, incident reports, etc. relating to security provided for agency buildings and grounds Five calendar years then destroy. Also see: Department of Origin Police Department
Security Reports - Routine Reports relating to routine incidents that do not require further investigation Retain two years after the date issued, then destroy Also see: Department of Origin Police Department
Security Reports 鈥 Routine Reports relating to routine incidents that do not require further investigation Retain two years after the date issued, then destroy. Department of Origin
Sex Offenders Registry Registration on a form prepared by the Kansas Bureau of Investigation and signed by the person. The information shall include the following: Name, date and place of birth, offense or offenses committed, date of conviction or convictions obtained, city or county of conviction or convictions obtained, sex and age of victim, current address, social security number, identifying characteristics such as race, sex, age, hair and eye color, scars and blood type, occupation and name of employer, and drivers license and vehicle information. The sex offender shall also provide to the registering law enforcement agency a photograph, fingerprints and DNA exemplars, unless already on file. Retain until offender is no longer required to register, then destroy. Destroy; Also see: KSA 22-4906 Police Department
Shared Leave Program Form Hard copy of State of Kansas Shared Leave Program Request form (OHR325), Certificataion of Healthcare Provider Form, any supporting documents provided by the employee, and Shared Leave Committee Approval/Denial Form and associated employer communication. Documents are retained in Employee Medical File in HR. Retained for three years from event, then destroyed. Combined with Employment File upon separation for remainder of retention period. Files retained in HR for two years after termination. Stored in Hutchinson Salt Mines for the remaining five years (if applicable). Remediation by Salt Mines upon notification. See also Perceptive Content (Webnow). Human Resources; Hutchinson Salt Mines
SHARP Reports Computer reports concerning agency payroll issued on a periodic basis from the Division of Accounts and Reports to agencies in the Statewide Human Resources Project. Retain electronic or paper copy three fiscal years, and then destroy. Not applicable to the Division of Accounts and Reports. Human Resources
Signed student Midwest Student Exchange Program (MSEP) Agreement forms Scanned and kept in student image file Permanent Registrar
Speeches and Writings Notes, drafts, and final versions of agency related speeches, articles, talks, and other formal public communications published or given at meetings and conferences. Retain until no longer useful, then transfer to archives. Department of Origin
Spoken English Screening Forms Assessment of English proficiency for lecturers and teaching graduates. Each evaluator (3) is required to submit a form on candidate's rating. Skill and level recorded in Banner PPASKIL by HR. Original form retained by HR. No purging process in place. Human Resources
Strategic Planning Files Variety of documents relating to the strategic planning process for the agency Retain until no longer useful or superseded, then transfer to the archives for purging. President鈥檚 Office; Academic Affairs
Student class Schedules   Permanent Registrar
Student Registration Forms Excludes Continuing Education non-credit programs Permanent Registrar
Student Waiver for Right of Access   Until graduation or date of last attendance. Registrar
Summary Computer Usage Reports Summary reports and other paper records created to document computer usage. Retain until no longer of administrative value to the agency, and then destroy. Information Technology Services
Supply Requests - Internal Documents used by subordinate organizations to order expendable supplies from central supply room. Three fiscal years then destroy. Also see: Historical Society KAR 53-2-160 Police Department
Supply Requests 鈥 Internal Documents used by subordinate organizations to order expendable supplies from central supply room. Three fiscal years then destroy. Department of Origin
System Backup Files Copies of master files or databases, application software, logs, directories, and other records needed to Retain a minimum of 12 system backup cycles, then destroy. Information Technology Services
System Users Access Records Electronic or textual records created to control or monitor individual access to a system and its data for security purposes, including but not limited to, user account records, security logs, and password files. Retain until no longer of administrative use to the agency, and then destroy. Information Technology Services
Tape Library Control Records Records used to control the location, maintenance, and disposition of magnetic media in a tape library including a list of holdings, control logs, and other data regarding the destruction of the tape library electronic files. Retain until superseded, then destroy. Library
Technical Program Documentation Copy of program/code/program flowcharts, program maintenance log, system change notices, original design documents, specifications, requirements, acceptance tests, and other records that document computer programs and the modifications made to the computer programs. Retain until all data in system has been migrated or destroyed, then destroy. Information Technology Services
Technical Reference Files Copies of documents retained strictly for convenience of reference that are not part of official files: copies of external reports, studies, periodicals, books. Brochures, catalogs, vendor lists, etc. Retain until no longer useful, and then destroy. Library
Telecommunications logs Registers recording incoming and outgoing telephone calls and fax transmissions Six months and then destroy. Also see: Historical Society KAR 53-2-107 Police Department
Telecommunications logs Registers recording incoming and outgoing telephone calls and fax transmissions Six months and then destroy. Department of Origin
Telephone Accounting System Reports Computer generated reports listing all telephone calls made or received individual extensions within the agency Three fiscal years then destroy. Information may be in either paper or digital format. Also see: Historical Society KAR 53-2-120 Police Department
Telephone Accounting System Reports Computer generated reports listing all telephone calls made or received individual extensions within the agency Three fiscal years then destroy. Information may be in either paper or digital format. Telecommunications; Department of Origin
Telephone Billing Records, KANS-A-N Copies of computer billings received from the Department of Administration and supporting documents concerning the use of the KANS-A-N telephone service. Retain three fiscal years and then destroy. Telecommunications
Tenure or promotion dossiers   If action approved, three years. If tenure denied, three years from end of term appointment. Academic Affairs
Test Database Files Routine or benchmark datasets, related documentation, and test results constructed or used to test or develop a system Retain until the version of the system tested is no longer in use, and then destroy. Information Technology Services
Training Records Series includes correspondence, reports, and other records relating to the operation of 九色堂 Police Department sponsored training programs and to employee participation in training programs sponsored by the department. Retain 5 years after employee is separated from the University; Destroy Police Department
Transcript requests   6 months paper; 7 years from submission online Registrar
Transcripts 鈥 high school and other college   Permanent Registrar
Transcripts   Permanent Registrar
Transfer Credit Evaluations   Permanent Registrar
Travel Request and Authorization Records Records related to employee travel: DA forms 25 (Request for Out of State Travel) and various internal documents. Retain three fiscal years and then destroy. Financial Operations
Trustee decisions regarding academic personnel designated executives   Permanent Academic Affairs
Unemployment Claim Records Effective 2016, electronic repository for Unemployment Claims through Equifax Unemployment Module. Data accessible to HR. No purging process in place. See also Perceptive Content (Webnow). Human Resources; Equifax
Union Dues Documents used to authorize deductions for union dues. Retain until superseded or no longer in effect plus one calendar year, then destroy. Financial Operations Payroll Department
USCIS Form I-9 Employment Eligibility Verificaton Form A United States Citizenship and Immigration Services form. Mandated by the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986, it is used to verify the identity and legal authorization to work of all paid employees in the United States. Form I-9 must be retained and stored by the employer either for three years after the date of hire or for one year after employment is terminated, whichever is later. Remediation by Equifax. Human Resources; Equifax
Vehicle Maintenance and Ownership Records Documents related to the legal ownership and maintenance of agency vehicles: maintenance logs, legal titles, warranties, etc. Also see: Department the vehicle is assigned. Police Department
Vehicle Maintenance and Ownership Records Documents related to the legal ownership and maintenance of agency vehicles: maintenance logs, legal titles, warranties, etc. See comments. Department the vehicle is assigned.
Vehicle Operation Records Documents related to the use of state-owned motor vehicles: MP forms 1a, 2c, 3a, 3b, 10, 20, and internal agency forms. Retain three fiscal years and then destroy. Also see: Historical Society KAR 53-2-075 Police Department
Vehicle Operation Records Documents related to the use of state-owned motor vehicles: MP forms 1a, 2c, 3a, 3b, 10, 20, and internal agency forms. Retain three fiscal years and then destroy. Department the vehicle is assigned.
Vendor Files Records concerning purchases from specific vendors: invoices, correspondence, vouchers, ledger books and cards, etc. Retain five fiscal years and then destroy. Financial Operations
Veteran Administration Certifications   Five years from graduation or date of attendance. Veterans Services
Visitors Logs Registers or logs used to record names of employees, outside contractors, service personnel, and other visitors admitted to agency facilities. Retain until no longer useful, and then destroy. Library; Ulrich Museum
Voice Mail Messages Sound recordings produced by a voice mail system designed to leave messages for the receiver. Retain until no longer useful, then destroy. Also see: Department of Origin Police Department
Voice Mail Messages Sound recordings produced by a voice mail system designed to leave messages for the receiver. Retain until no longer useful, then destroy. Department of Origin
Vouchers and Requisitions, Purchase Copies of documents used to order and pay for goods and services: DA forms 100 through 109 and DA 120. Retain five fiscal years and then destroy. Paper voucher copies are retained for one fiscal year then destroyed while the electronic version is kept indefinitely. The electronic version can be destroyed after five fiscal years. Financial Operations
Vouchers, Journal DA forms 35 series used to adjust financial account balances. Retain three fiscal years and then destroy. Financial Operations
Vouchers, Receipts Copies of documents used to transfer funds received by agencies from individuals and organizations into their particular accounts: forms DA-3 series. Retain three fiscal years and then destroy. Financial Operations
Vouchers, Travel Copies of documents used to certify the validity of claims for the reimbursement of travel expenses: DA forms 121, 122, and 123. Retain three fiscal years and then destroy. Financial Operations Travel Section
Web Server Aggregate Reports Reports periodically generated from the Web transaction log data to indicate aggregate values and trends. Two fiscal years then destroy. Information Technology Services
Web Server Transaction Logs Raw data captured from the hypertext transfer protocol (HTTP) header during a Web transaction and stored in a log file. Six months then destroy. Information Technology Services
Word Processing Files Electronic copies of documents produced with word processing programs. When electric documents are only copy, disposition must be on an approved schedule. When used to produce hard copy that is maintained according to approved schedule 鈥 delete when no longer useful. Department of Origin
Work Orders and Logs Internal documents used to request and record requests for the performance of maintenance or other services. Retain three fiscal years then destroy. Facilities Services
Worker's Compensation Hard copy of Employee Accident or Illness Report (Addendum to the D-WC 1101-A form), Doctor's Statement/Certification of Physician. Documents are retained in Employee Medical File in HR for length of employee鈥檚 tenure. Upon separation from employment forms are kept separate from all other employee records. Retention period is duration of employment + 30 years. Archived in Hutchinson Salt Mines. Human Resources; Hutchinson Salt Mines
Workplace Accommodation Request Form (ADA) Accommodation request form, record of action for accommodations form, supporting medical certification/doctor's notes for limitations due to a disability. Documents are retained in Employee Medical File in HR. Combined with Employment File upon separation. Retain length of employee's tenure, plus seven years. Employment Files retained in HR for two years after termination. Stored in Hutchinson Salt Mines for the remaining five years. Remediation by Salt Mines upon notification. Human Resources; Hutchinson Salt Mines